Bransgore Community Church exists to be a place where people can GATHER to GROW as disciples of Jesus Christ and then GO and make disciples of others through our witness and words.
This can be encapsulated in our Mission Statement as a church:
Click below to view our Discipleship 'Gather Grow Go' Framework
We believe in - CHRIST
Creation: The one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who created and sustains everything.
Humans: We were made in the image of God but rebelled and became separated from him.
Rescue: Faith in Jesus Christ restores that relationship, through his death and resurrection.
Indwelling Spirit: The Holy Spirit is our internal guide, who helps us follow God’s ways.
Scripture: The Bible is divinely inspired and the primary way in which we know God.
Triumphant return: Jesus will return as judge and establish a new heaven and new earth.
(*Note - This is a summary of the Evangelical Alliance statement of faith that we adhere to)
We behave with - GRACE
Gracious: We honour and respect everyone.
Real: We are open, genuine and accountable.
Accepting: We invite people to come as they are.
Caring: We want the best for other people.
Embracing: We value all age groups in our life and ministry together.
We engage in - WORSHIP
Worship: We see all of life as worship, serving and honouring God.
Outreach: We introduce others to Jesus through speech, action and lifestyle.
Relationships: We actively spend time getting to know and caring for each other.
Serving: We use our gifts and abilities to help others.
Happily giving: We give generously financially.
Imitating Jesus: We are disciples of Jesus, his apprentices, and seek to follow his example.
Prayer: We communicate with God in prayer: It is the ‘oxygen’ of our spiritual life.
Andi & Nikki Norton
Andi - Church Leader
Nikki - Mentoring
Andi & Nikki are passionate about people - seeing them growing in their understanding of and intimacy with Jesus, being transformed by released to serve Him wholeheartedly. Andi as church leader oversees the vision and mission of the church as well as managing the team, preaching, teaching and pastoring the church under Jesus the Chief Shepherd.
Andi is married to Nikki, who is equally passionate about seeing people raised as confident disciples of Jesus who witness Him to others and loves to encourage and support people's growth through one to one mentoring.
They have two children.
Berno & Lucy Vierbergen
Berno - Associate Pastor (Families)
Emily Goy
Children & Youth Ministry Leader
Emily is passionate about seeing the next generation coming to an understanding of the life transformational power Jesus brings.
With several years of youth ministry, working in schools, circus skills, with children with special needs she is well equipped to provide an holistic programme for shaping the next generation.
Emily recently graduated from Moorlands College with a degree in Applied Theology with Youth & Community work.
Emily loves in her free time getting out into nature and enjoy the great outdoors!
Naomi Goulding
Admin, Comms & Safeguard Lead
Naomi is married to Tim and has 3 children. She loves being in or on the sea and walking with their golden retriever in the forest. Over the years she has enjoyed working with children and teenagers and has held several administration roles in different settings. Her main passion in life though is to see others come to know Jesus Christ and how much He loves them.
Naomi Goulding
Caroline Davis
Pastoral & Discipleship Lead
Caroline is married to Colin and they have one teenage son. As a family they have been at the church since 2006. Colin and their son both love worshipping God through music and facilitating worship for others as part of the music team at BCC.
Caroline has been a social care professional for over 25yrs, in both the 3rd sector and statutory organisations. Caroline has also been a voluntary youth worker for many years. Since joining the team in 2013 Caroline has been the Youth Leader, then in 2017 Caroline took up the post of Pastoral Worker with Families and in 2023 she took on the role as Discipleship Lead in the Pastoral Discipleship Team.
Steve is Married to Linda and has 4 children, sorry, 3 children and Labrador. Steve is passionate about and enjoys leading worship, playing in the band and producing music. Steve manages the technical aspects of BCC, Sound, lighting, and audiovisual. Steve also supports the worship band and technical teams with training and resources, in his spare time Steve supports the youth work and mentors our growing you the band.
Steve Cohu
Technical Manager
& Worship Assistant
Ted & Jackie Russell
Ted - Elder
Ted and his wife Jackie joined the church in 2006. His passion is seeing people come to faith and
he has been an active member of Christian Motorcyclists' Association for many years.
Graham & Danielle Jeffries
Graham - Elder
BCC has a special place in Graham and Danielle’s heart as they met and were married here. Between them they have four adult children all of whom have grown in their faith because of the love and support of the whole fellowship at BCC.
They are both passionate about encouraging young people in their life and faith journeys through their involvement in youth work and in hosting, with others, the Big Breakfast every month. Graham also serves as part of the finance team at BCC.
Danielle was a teacher at a local primary school for many years and now is study theology and involved in family ministry within the church, whilst Graham is a partner in a national law firm.
When time allows Graham enjoys photography and together they enjoy sharing meals with others and can be seen, on fine days, cycling in the New Forest.
Lynn is married to Steve, they have 4 children and 5 grandchildren.
Lynn has 30 years experience working with vulnerable children and families and teaching on this subject. She is a qualified Dyslexia Tutor and has supported students at Moorlands College for the past 12 years.
Together Lynn and Steve are committed to supporting people who have experienced the Fostering and Adoption process.
Lynn enjoys serving in the children’s ministry at BCC and loves showing them how to have their own personal relationship with their Saviour.
Lynn & Steve Coombs
Lynn - Elder
Fiona & Richard Darbyshire
Fiona - Elder / Richard - Missions
Fiona is married to Richard. They have 3 children and 7 Grandchildren. Fiona has over 20 years’ experience being on church leadership, youthwork and teaching children.
Fiona’s previous job as a counsellor has further developed her passion for people to see them healed and released. Both Fiona and Richard enjoy sharing their faith with people of all ages and have a heart for world mission.
The Early Years
Bransgore Community Church is an independent church that started in the winter of 1984/85 with a small group of evangelical Christians, who had been travelling to churches in the Christchurch/Bournemouth area. As this small group developed and outgrew the house where it was meeting, it began to meet in the chapel at Neacroft. In 1986 the NAAFI building in Shackleton Square, belonging to the Ministry of Defence, came up for auction and was purchased.
The first service took place on 14 June 1986. Our first extension, a few years later, added extra space where the band is now situated and a children's room at the back. In 2009-10 a second, much larger, extension was built to enable us to cater for our growing congregation and to provide people in our community with a place to be welcomed and helped.
Originally the church was called Bransgore Christian Centre. The name was changed in 2003 to Bransgore Community Church, in recognition of our desire both to be a community, and to serve the local community.
Building for the Future
The church continues to grow and develop and in August 2012 the building had an overhaul of its internal structure, with the removal of a pillar and beams in the main hall and the inclusion of a new vaulted ceiling! We also developed our upstairs to include a games room, a prayer room and two children's rooms. Our building complex now includes twelve ancillary rooms, three of which are staff offices, as well as the main hall, which can be divided by a movable wall.
Recent Years
In recent years, the building has become a hub of activity throughout the week, with around 700-800 people coming to activities within it.
We are affiliated with Evangelical Alliance (EA) and hold to their statement of faith. We are also a part of LEAF, which is the local branch of EA, that connects churches across the New Forest.